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Week Three - Embracing the Good: Five Weeks to Deep Gratefulness

Writer's picture: Pushpa SaraswatiPushpa Saraswati

Updated: Jan 17, 2021

Chandika Devālaya

House of Goddess Chandi

(a Lalita Chandika Temple)

Week Three Challenge

Week Three: The Power of Appreciation

Welcome to week three of the gratefulness challenge. I hope you found it helpful to do some gratitude journaling last week. Send me an email to let me know how it is going, or join us tomorrow evening for the Gratitude Satsang (link at end) to share your insights.

Today we’re going to focus on how to give appreciation in our relationships and the power of saying “Thank you.”

When you’re thankful to others, it fills your heart with joy and helps you live in a constant state of gratitude.

Appreciation is an extension of gratitude because it is an expression of your gratefulness usually made to another person. This can totally change the way you experience your relationships. Read on.....

The Simple Thank You

Think about this – you can live life with appreciation – or you can live life feeling entitled and resentful when you don’t get what you want. Which would you prefer in your life? I think the answer is obvious.

There are two simple words that change everything. Thank You.

That’s it. A phrase we take for granted. A sentence usually reserved for when someone holds the door for us. A phrase we say far too little.

How would your life change if you took every opportunity to thank people? If you…

● thanked a coworker for a prompt reply to an email ● said a heartfelt, “Thank you,” when your boss let you go home 30 minutes early ● thanked your spouse for cooking a delicious dinner ● gave your kids a big hug and thanked them for cleaning up their toys ● were full of gratefulness when a family member called to check in

Appreciation is a Spiritual Practice

A "Thank You" given or received is nice, but we want to go one step beyond the simple Thank You, into the real art of delivering appreciation to another person in a way that can uplift them for the better.

To become proficient at this will involve a few spiritual practices which make for a great seva (selfless service) to others in your life. Here they are:

  1. be present: you need to be fully centered, in the present moment, clear minded, with one-pointed attention on the person/people you will be delivering appreciation to

  2. express your love in action: through noticing and paying attention to another person, you become very sensitive to the changes in their life. Your attention is love expressed on the spot. It is love in action.

  3. uplifting another: your attention to another will undoubtedly bring joy and love to them. When they feel valued, when they feel loved, they in turn will “pass it on”, causing a ripple effect.

The Art of Delivering the Message

There are a few simple techniques to keep in mind that, if done, will help deliver powerful and impactful messages of appreciation.

First, and most important, you must really, really mean it. It must be genuine and sincere. The message should be heartfelt and not construed as mental manipulation. So my advise is to really FEEL IT before you deliver the message.

Second, describe the appreciation in a way that can’t be challenged. For example, don’t make it general or value based such that it can be debated (for example, "hey, great job on …."). But rather, make it specific and start with “I appreciate” (for example, "I appreciate the way you …., it really helped me …..").

Third, keep the message brief. No need to make a 10 minute dialog about something that should naturally be delivered in 10 seconds.

With proper delivery, the people in your life will be much more receptive to you, much more open, and much more willing to share their lives with you.

And you’ll simply be grateful that they’re in your life!

This Week’s Action:

This week, make every effort to say, “Thank you,” to others. Here are some specific steps.

  1. Each day this week take the time to say "Thank You." Match the practice of noticing and being present with others, with the practice of gratefulness to others.

  2. Each day this week, go beyond the simple "thank you" at least one time each day and deliver one sincere message of appreciation to someone.

  3. Write down in your journal every day what the message was, who it was delivered to, and your assessment of the delivery. ( For example: Were you in present moment, centered, grounded? Did you have one pointed attention on the person/persons? Did you feel it from your heart? Was it sincere? Was it specific, brief, and unchallengeable?

  4. Document the person's reaction. How is this going to change the relationship with that person?

You will find that your family, friends, and co-workers will be much more receptive to you, much more open, and much more willing to share their lives with you.

You’ll simply be grateful that they’re in your life!


Before you dive into this week's challenge, take a moment to share with the group how these practices are going for you. Using the WhatsApp link below, share your thoughts.


Another opportunity to share is by joining our Monday Gratitude Satsangh at 5:30 pm PST. (Zoom link below).


Finally, for the serious devotee, try focusing each day on some positive affirmations designed to keep your spirits high and meet life with inspiration.

Week Three Daily Affirmations:

(repeat these simple statements as often as possible this week)

Before I greet anyone today, I express gratitude that I am able to see them and speak with them.

My expressions set a positive tone for our conversation.

Jai Maa!


Pushpa Saraswati is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Week Three Gratitude Challenge, January 18, 2020

Time: Jan 18, 2021 05:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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