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Week Four - Embracing the Good: Five Weeks to Deep Gratefulness

Writer's picture: Pushpa SaraswatiPushpa Saraswati

Updated: Jan 24, 2021

Chandika Devālaya

House of Goddess Chandi

(a Lalita Chandika Temple)

January 25, 2021

Week Four: Gratitude Affirmations

Welcome to week four of the gratitude challenge. What was it like saying, “Thank you,” to so many people? What was it like expression genuine appreciation? How did it change the way you went through your week?

Today we’re going to be discussing the importance of gratitude affirmations.

Gratitude affirmations go even beyond just saying, “Thank you,” to a person or journaling. They are active, positive, enthusiastic statements of gratitude to God, Divinity, or the universe in general.

Gratitude affirmations are NOT based on you feeling grateful. That’s a key distinction. Rather, you are CHOOSING to be grateful for things, even if you don’t feel grateful.

There are two types of gratitude affirmations. The first is when you’re grateful for the things you already have.

You AFFIRM that you have received an endless bounty of good things in your life and you give SPECIFIC thanks for all the blessings that you have received. The first two weeks of this challenge we had worked on expressing gratitude for what we already have.

The second type of affirmations are future-oriented. It is when you give thanks for all the good things you are GOING to receive.

Both types of affirmations are CRITICALLY important. The first helps you constantly be grateful in the moment for every good thing that flows into your life. The second helps you live in a state of grateful ANTICIPATION for all the good things that are coming your way.

Keys to Developing Powerful Affirmations

When you develop an affirmation, there are a few rules which will ensure the best success.

First, always state the affirmation in the present tense. For example, "I am so grateful for.., I have abundance, I handle others with compassion. You get it.

It's important that you do not phrase affirmations in the future tense, such as "I will be grateful when..., I will have abundance, I will handle others with compassion.


If you state an affirmation in the future tense you are telling your mind that you don't possess these qualities right now. But if you state it in the present tense, your mind will believe it has already been done, that you have already received it, and you will begin acting according to that new belief.

Second, always affirm in the positive and never in the negative. For example, "I am grateful when my partner is considerate" vs. "I am grateful for when my partner is not rude." Do you see the difference? Remember our discussion on awareness?

In the first statement your awareness will look for considerate, kind, behavior. It will take notice of that. But in the second, your awareness is actually looking for rudeness. You have pointed your awareness toward something negative.

Keep your affirmations and thinking positive and you will attract positiveness into your life.


This week we are going to work on developing a few future gratefulness affirmations.

When it comes to your future affirmation, think about all the good things that you want to come into your life. What are your hopes and dreams and desires? What do you think about all the time? Write them all down.

Then focus on a few of them that, if you received right now, it would change your life. Write a few really good affirmations on those.

Then, for the whole week, set aside some time to focus on these affirmations. You can get in a quiet spot and envision them. Or you can set up some time to state them out loud throughout the day.

I have a timer on my phone where every hour it beeps and then I repeat the affirmation ten times. You may consider doing the same.

Use your future gratitude affirmations to give thanks that these things WILL come into your life. The simple reality is that you attract what you focus on.

The more you focus on the good things that will come to you, the more likely it is that you will ATTRACT them into your life.

An example of a future gratitude affirmation is:

I am grateful for the many blessings that have come my way. I receive them all with open hands. I’m grateful for the physical and spiritual blessings. I’m grateful for the friendships I enjoy. I’m grateful for the money received and how I am putting it to good use to achieve something good in the world.

You can make the affirmation as specific as you want. If you desire a new job, give thanks to the universe in very specific detail about the job you’re going to receive.

That's the challenge for this week!


Before you dive into this week's challenge I would love to hear from you. Take a moment to share with me through email (, or share with this group using the WhatsApp link below.


Join our Monday Gratitude Satsangh at 5:30 pm PST. (Zoom link below).


Jai Maa!


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