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Week Five - Align with the Divine Goal Setting Challenge

Writer's picture: Pushpa SaraswatiPushpa Saraswati

Chandika Devālaya

House of Goddess Chandi

(a Lalita Chandika Temple)

Week Five Challenge

Week Five: The Weekly Review

Welcome to Week Five of the Align with the Divine goal setting challenge. Wow, you made it! Congratulations!

Today we’re going to be talking about the need for a weekly review.


When it comes to building habits, systems, and goals, you’re going to have some wins and you will also have some losses. This is very normal.

You’re not perfect and you have strengths and weaknesses, like everyone else.

At the end of each week, it’s important to perform a weekly review to evaluate your performance and make necessary "course-correction" changes.

During that review, ask yourself:

● What worked?

● What didn’t?

● What tripped me up?

● What really energized me?

● What changes do I need to make?

Don’t be afraid to tweak and optimize your calendar, habits, and systems. None of these things should be set in stone. They are meant to WORK for you, not the other way around.

Review your calendar and make any necessary adjustments.

If another time works better, adjust it!

If some of the steps needs to be re-ordered, then change it!

If you need to "up your goals", then revise it.

If another another system would work better, then implement it.

You are the master of your creation.

That’s the beauty of this. Your objective here is to create the perfect setup for yourself that keeps you aligned and inspired.


Sit down with your calendar, habits, systems, and goals in front of you.

Look back over the past week. Evaluate your success rate in terms of implementing everything you planned.

Did things work well for you? If not, don’t stress about it.

Simply write down the things you need to change. Review timing of steps and rituals, step ordering in your rituals, any adjustments to the steps or goals themselves.

Also, take time to recognize and CELEBRATE your successes. Most likely, you achieved some pretty awesome things this week.

Yes! That’s cause for celebration.

This review process should happen EVERY SINGLE WEEK. It allows you to stay on track, stay motivated, and keep moving forward.

After you do your review, share with us what worked, what didn’t, and what you need to change. No need to be embarrassed. We’re all working toward the same thing here!

Congratulations on completing the challenge!

You are on the path toward CRUSHING your goals!

Jai Maa!


I look forward to our call on ZOOM tonight, Monday, Align with the Divine Satsangh at 7:00 pm PST. (see link below)


Reminder: Tonight ZOOM call at 7:00 pm PST

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